Fox News contributor links homosexuality with child rape and murder

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A US radio host and Fox news contributor has linked the love of couples in same-sex marriages to the actions of Ohio kidnapper and rapist Ariel Castro who was last year sentenced to over a thousand years in prison.

Sandy Rios, who hosts a radio show for the anti-gay American Family Association, and a Fox News contributor, brought up equal marriage in an interview with anti-gay Chicago-based pastor Erwin Lutzer, reports Right Wing Watch.

Speaking of their opposition to same-sex couples being allowed to marry, the pair said that love was not a good enough reason to legally recognise marriages between same-sex couples, Lutzer also said his city’s crime rates were high enough without adding “the destruction of marriage”.

He said: “A paedophile I’m sure says that he loves children — as a matter of fact, he does — but you can see how destructive that love is.”

“Once love is undefined as kind of this ‘I want to do this and so I’m loving’ then, of course, we end up where we are ending up today with a great slide in morality, the destruction of the family, the confusion that children grow up with. All of these implications…”

Continuing, Rios brought up the case of Ohio kidnapper and rapist Ariel Castro, who last week pleaded guilty to 937 charges, including kidnapping, rape, assault and aggravated murder, was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole plus 1,000 years.

“You know, the gentleman that was just sentenced yesterday for holding those women hostage in Ohio, and molesting them for years, and doing terrible things to them,

“His defense was that he ‘loved’ his family, he ‘loved’ his child that was born out of one of the rapes that he did of the woman. He ‘loved’ and he couldn’t understand. He said, ‘I’m not a monster.’”

During the hearing Castro claimed that “most of the sex that went on in that house, probably all of it, was consensual.” He continued to say he was “not a monster”, and instead kept the victims in his house “without them being able to leave”.

Responding to Rios’ comments, David Badash of the New Civil Rights Movement said they were “offensive and ludicrous”.

Speaking on the same radio programme last week, a South Carolina teacher and pastor likened curricula which are inclusive of LGBT people to “teaching people how to use crack”.

The show’s host is known for her extremely anti-gay rhetoric, and in February blamed LGBT inclusive education programs in the US public education system on a decline in grade averages. 

Earlier in February Ms Rios, on the announcement that the Boy Scouts of America would delay its vote on gay members, suggested that gay men would only want to be Scout Leaders in order to “be around boys”, and suggested a link between paedophilia and homosexuality, saying “gay men love youth”. 

She also hosted anti-gay evangelist, Scott Lively, who said that he though gay rights were bringing the “wrath” of God, which is a sign that the world is nearing the “End Days”, just like before Noah’s flood.

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