Exclusive: TV presenter Carol Smillie speaks out for equal marriage in Scotland

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Carol Smillie, the Scottish television presenter, is the latest celebrity to voice their support for equal marriage in Scotland as part of the Equality Network’s It’s Time video campaign.

Speaking from Buchanan Street, in Glasgow’s famous shopping district, Smillie says: “I support equal marriage because I think you should live and let live. Nobody is harming anyone else, it’s nobody’s business, and why not? I don’t understand what all the fuss is.”

She adds: “You know when I was a little kid I’d never heard of homosexuality, I’d never heard of same-sex marriage, it was very much an alien concept. But the world has changed, I’m over 50 now, and I’m delighted to say that I live somewhere that embraces that change, and that we welcome all kinds of people.”

“We’re bigger than some nations and I think we should show that this doesn’t harm anyone, it’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s just different – people are different – and that’s what makes us interesting, our differences make us interesting.”

The Glasgow-born TV personality is best known for hosting classic shows, including Changing Rooms and the Wheel of Fortune, and for her smile which was caricatured by impressionist Ronni Ancona who popularised the catchphrase “Smiley Smiley Carol Smillie”.

Scottish National Party leader and First Minister Alex SalmondScottish Labour leader Johann LamontBreakfast TV star Lorraine Kellythe leader of the Scottish Conservatives Ruth Davidson, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie, Hollywood actor Alan Cumming, and former Scottish Socialist Party MSP Colin Fox and Scottish Green Party Co-Convenor Patrick Harvie have all recorded videos for the Equality Network’s It’s Time campaign.

The campaign is modelled on PinkNews’ Out4Marriage campaign.

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