US: New Jersey ‘gay to straight’ therapy leader condemns ban on treating minors

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The leader of Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing (JONAH), Arthur Goldberg has condemned the state ban on therapist providing gay conversion therapy to those under 18 years of age.

New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie yesterday signed into law a bill that prohibits therapist from offering the treatment to minors describing the practice of attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation as posing “critical health risks.”

Mr Goldberg has described the ban as being based on “false testimony” and that there are people “struggling with the issue” that need help. He described a transgender woman who testified in favour of a ban as being a liar who was reciting “some kind of campy film.”

He went onto say that the christian based law firm, Liberty Counsel shall challenge the law as they are doing with a similar law that bans gay conversion therapy in California.

Some Republicans who are opposed to the legislation have argued that the new law takes the choice out of parents hands on how they best wish to raise their children.

Gay conversion therapy has been debunked by the American Psychological Association as well as the World Health Organisation who have all expressed concerns about the dangers of attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation.

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