Man in Lancashire ‘flipped’ and attacked his ex-girlfriend for having an affair with a woman

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A 25-year-old man in Accrington, Lancashire “flipped” and attacked his ex-girlfriend after finding out she was having an affair with another woman.

Lancashire Telegraph reports that Connal Staves assaulted his ex-girlfriend, her new girlfriend, and another friend after discovering she had been having an affair.

Blackburn magistrates heard Staves could not accept Candice Smith, his ex-partner, was either lesbian or bisexual as he claimed the other woman, Sophie Bolton, had “groomed” his partner and stolen her from him.

Philippa White, prosecuting, said Staves and Miss Smith had been together in a relationship for two years.

She said: “However, she had also developed a relationship with Sophie Bolton.

“On the night of this incident she had been out with Miss Bolton and Miss Pratt when the defendant appeared out of nowhere.”

Miss Smith pleaded with police in a statement saying she did not want Staves prosecuted and could understand why he reacted the way he did.

She said a part of her “still loved him” and that before the assault he had treated her like a “princess.”

Blackburn magistrates sentenced Staves to 12 months community supervision and he was forced to pay £75 to each of the victims.

Last month, a “very, very homophobic” Lincolnshire man was found guilty of harassing his neighbours in a homophobic manner over a period of two months.

In May, an Anglican church in Lancashire became the first in the region to sign up to a mission which aims to be inclusive of all worshippers, including LGBT people.

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