Rapper Mykki Blanco accuses Britney Spears of exploiting gay fans

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Rapper Mykki Blanco has accused Britney Spears of exploiting her gay fans with her music.

The openly gay rapper and musician, who supported Björk on her latest tour, attacked Spears soon after her new song, ‘Work B**ch,’ was released online yesterday.

“Is it just me or is EVERY female pop star currently in a war to secure as many GAY fans and gay $ as possible?” Blanco wrote on Twitter, before adding: “This sh*t is tacky.”

He continued to say: “Work bitch? Lol… This is not ‘gay pride’ its ‘gay marketing’ designed to keep u f*gs on ecstasy blasting garbage music till 6am.

“Forgive me father for I can’t handle the corny.”

Blanco also revealed that the ‘gay marketing’ had not worked on him, saying: “I’m not a b**ch, I’m just not an idiot.”

In a 2011 poll by the Equality network, Spears was named the ‘ultimate gay icon of all time.’

During the controversy surrounding Miss California’s opposition to gay marriage during the 2009 Miss United States Pageant, Spears commented that: “Love is love! People should be able to do whatever makes them happy!” 


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