Trans couple make history as first to marry after both having gender reassignment surgery

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A British couple from the city of Hull have made history, becoming the first  married couple to have both transitioned, one from male to female and the other from female to male.

Helen and Felix Fenlon became Britain’s first married couple to have both gone through gender reassignment surgery, after being together for six years.

Speaking to ITV, Mr Fenlon, 46, said: “It was magical. It was everything I wanted. It far exceeded my expectations,” and Mrs Fenlon, 56, simply said: “It went fantastic. It was perfect”.

She said: “I had butterflies during the service and I thought my knees would buckle under me.”

Despite the happy ending for the married couple, they both spoke of the torment they faced whilst transitioning. Speaking of having been attacked, Mrs Fenlon said she “couldn’t go out without being verbally abused.”

“For years, that continued. In the end I just stood up to them,” she continued.

Mr Fenlon said he was “overcome”, on seeing his wife walk down the aisle, because she “looked so beautiful”.

On why the couple decided to go public, Mrs Fenlon said: “We want to show a successful outcome to other trans people, and show that there is a life beyond all of the discrimination”.

Her husband went on: “We have families, we have jobs, we have social lives. Take the label away and we are just the same as anybody else.”

On applying for a marriage certificate, the couple faced difficulties, but changed their genders on both of their birth certificates officially.

Felix had two children before transitioning, and Helen had eight. One of Helen’s sons walked her down the aisle, and the Daily Mail reported that Felix’s hands shook as he placed the ring on her finger.


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