Daniel Radcliffe: People might be slightly startled by gay sex scenes in Kill Your Darlings

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Daniel Radcliffe thinks viewers may be “startled”, by gay sex scenes in the film Kill Your Darlings about poet Allen Ginsburg.

The Harry Potter star said he felt his career had gone the opposite way to what is normal for actors, and he said he was enjoying changing to smaller scale films.

Speaking to Total Film magazine, he said: “I felt like I was breaking new ground. Most actors grow up doing a lot of small movies and then get something big, but I started on the biggest film in the world.

“So it’s an experience that I haven’t had. I’m sure some people will be slightly … err … startled by the gay sex scene though.”

The 24-year-old went on to clarify, however, saying the films were not “graphic”, other than in their emotional content.

He added: “It’s actually not graphic. You don’t actually see anything. What’s graphic is the emotion of the scene.

“It’s a very vulnerable, slightly afraid moment. It’s beautiful and tender as a consequence of that.”

Radcliffe earlier this week denied rumours that he is to play Freddie Mercury in a biopic about the late Queen star, saying “there is no truth to it at all”.

Plans for a biopic on the life of legendary Queen singer Freddie Mercury in July suffered a blow following the decision of Sacha Baron Cohen to pull out of the project over “creative differences”.

Ealier this week, the Daily Star reported that a source had confirmed that Daniel Radcliffe had been offered the part of Mercury in the biopic, but he has since spoken out to deny the rumours, admitting that he is “completely wrong” for the part.

He played poet Allen Ginsberg, in Kill Your Darlings. He spoke in an interview about filming gay sex scenes for the film, saying that when filming an intimate gay scene, the director gave him “step-by-step” instructions.

He previously spoke about the scenes, and said that it was “something new” but that he didn’t “worry about it”.

Radcliffe also said that the gay kiss with co-star Dane DeHaan was ”sincere, passionate and romantic”, and joked that he would like to win an MTV award for it. 

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