Actress Tilda Swinton donates over £1000 to funeral for prominent Russian gay rights activist

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British actress Tilda Swinton has donated over £1000 to the funeral of Russian gay rights activist Alexey Davydov, who died last week aged 36.

The actress, who previously supported gay rights in Russia by flying a rainbow flag in front of St Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, sent the donation after an online donation bid was launched to cover the £1,247 cost of the funeral.

Nikolai Alekseyev, another prominent gay rights activist, confirmed they had received the donation from Swinton, and that the funeral’s expenses have now been surpassed.

On twitter, he posted a message showing his gratitude:

He added: “Thanks to all who took part in this generous civil act. The funerals of Alexey are tomorrow starting at 11 am Moscow time.

“Alexey was a hero and now he will have a fitting funeral. I am pleased we were able to help in our small way but all the credit belongs to the generous donors and Alexey’s brave activist friends.”

The funeral of Mr Davydov, who died last week age 36 following a prolonged illness, will be held on Monday.

Swinton posed in front of St Basil’s Cathedral with her rainbow flag in July, issuing a statement: “In solidarity. From Russia with love.”

The protest came as a response to the legislation of anti-gay laws in Russia.

President Vladimir Putin signed the law in June banning the promotion of “non-traditional relationships” toward minors, a move that has been criticised as part of a broader crackdown on Russia’s gay community.

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