Irish Prime Minister backs Limerick’s Gay Games bid

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Ireland’s Prime Minister (Taoiseach) has thrown his weight behind Limerick’s bid to host the 2018 Gay Games.

In a letter to the judging committee, Enda Kenny said: “Limerick has some of the best sporting infrastructure in the country with the potential to provide a really fantastic backdrop for the Games. The utilisation of the University of Limerick Arena and Activity Centre, Thomond Park Stadium and the outdoor biking facilities at Ballyhoura, to name just a few, would help to make the 2018 Games an outstanding success.”

He added: “Above all else the competitors and their families will be assured of a world-famous Irish welcome with the passion and dedication of the event organisers combined with the friendly nature of the Irish people certain to make for a very memorable event.”

Limerick, a small historic city in the west of Ireland, along with Paris and London are competing for the 2018 Gay Games.

Last week, the London Evening Standard used an editorial to argue the case for the capital to host the sporting event.

In July, UK Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said hosting the Gay Games in 2018 would make a huge difference to the perception of LGBT people and sport. 

The Federation of Gay Games will make its decision on 7 October.

High profile backers of the London bid include Prime Minister David Cameron, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Sports Minister Hugh Robertson and House of Commons Speaker John Bercow.

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