NOW: Anti-gay US televangelist says low carb diets ‘violate the principles of God’

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Adamantly anti-gay televangelist Pat Robertson took to the 700 Club programme on his Christian Broadcast Network, this week to say that he thinks low carb diets, such as the Atkins Diet, go against the teachings of God.

“You get swollen joints, you get gout, you get all kinds of problems, where you ache like crazy,” Robertson told The 700 Club programme on the network that he owns.

“Everybody thought Atkins was wonderful and they’ve got all these scientific tests, but… The carbs are the fire that burn everything completely. Sooner or later, it violates the principles that God set down.”

Earlier this week Robertson admitted in an interview that he didn’t understand what the word transgender means, compared trans people to his castrated horse, and called LGBT “insane”, compared to “normal”, straight people.

Robertson of the 700 Club, recently claimed that gay men have been purposely spreading HIV using special rings which cut the hand of strangers they shake hands with.

Openly gay television host Anderson Cooper, since used a segment of his show to criticise Robertson for the story.

Robertson in July spoke against equal marriage during his programme, joking that Facebook should install a “vomit” button to represent his reaction to pictures of gay people kissing.

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