Daniel Radcliffe: People are more shocked by gay sex than sex with a horse

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Daniel Radcliffe has expressed surprise at the attention surrounding gay sex scenes in latest film Kill Your Darlings, comparing it to a sex scene with a horse in Equus.

Radcliffe this week spoke out about gay sex scenes in the film Kill Your Darlings, in which he plays gay poet Allen Ginsberg , to say that he has been told gay sex “is really f*cking painful”.

Speaking to The Sun, Radcliffe said: “I f**ked a horse on stage when I was 17 but gay sex is more of a big deal!

“One of the reviews I saw very early on called the sex scene ‘graphic’. There’s nothing graphic about it. I mean, you see a bit of bum.”

The Best Actor Award, was given to Daniel Radcliffe at this week’s Attitude Awards.

He played poet Allen Ginsberg, in Kill Your Darlings. He spoke in an interview about filming gay sex scenes for the film, saying that when filming an intimate gay scene, the director gave him “step-by-step” instructions.

He previously spoke about the scenes, and said that it was “something new” but that he didn’t “worry about it”.

Radcliffe also said that the gay kiss with co-star Dane DeHaan was ”sincere, passionate and romantic”, and joked that he would like to win an MTV award for it. 


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