Video: Jamie Foxx and Elton John support homeless gay youth

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Sir Elton John, Jamie Foxx and other Hollywood stars appear in a public service announcement (PSA) raising awareness about homeless LGBT youth in Los Angeles.

“In most parts of the country, life is still enormously difficult for kids who are even perceived to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered [sic],” Foxx said in the film.

Sir Elton John continued: “One of the most popular destinations for abandoned LGBT youth is Los Angeles, where they hope their dreams might come true.”

Latest figures from the LA Gay and Lesbian Center reveal the city’s homeless population is LGBT youth has increased to 40%.

The PSA shows the life of a young man kicked out of his home because his parents find out he is gay.

The film depicts a tragic trajectory: living on the streets, rape, turning to drugs and prostitution to survive. It leads the protagonist to the ledge of a multi-story car park.

This summer, the Williams Institute claimed that among the city’s homeless population, 29% identified as LGBT – nearly twice the 15.4% of San Francisco residents in general.

The city is urgently addressing this issue. Earlier this month, LGBTQ Connect in LA became the first support event for homeless queer people in America.

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