Tory MP Mike Freer speaks of delight at winning PinkNews Award

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Conservative MP Mike Freer says he was thrilled to win Parliamentary Speech of the Year at the PinkNews Awards.

The gay north London MP for Finchley and Golders Green received the award – voted by PinkNews readers – for his heartfelt and moving speech in support of equal marriage at February’s second reading of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act.

Wednesday evening’s PinkNews Awards ceremony were held inside the State Rooms of Speaker’s House at the Palace of Westminster.

“To win such an award so early on in a parliamentary career is really quite something,” Mr Freer said, before joking: “So I suspect the best is now behind me.” He went on to say that his speech will probably be “my proudest moment”. He added: “My colleagues and I with your support changed history. And there’s very few parliamentarians that can say that. So thank you for all of your support.

“Thank you to my colleagues who were very generous in the debate. I think it was a very – apart from one or two – a very well-received and respectful debate. And, of course, to PinkNews for all of the support they gave the parliamentarians because at some points, it felt very lonely when we were supporting the bill. And the support we got from PinkNews and you was invaluable. So thank you very much for this award. I will really treasure it. Thank you.”

David Cameron congratulated Mr Freer, along with Conservative Peer Baroness Stowell who won Politician of the Year. The Prime Minister tweeted:

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