Video: Gay couple gets engaged at the PinkNews Awards in the State Rooms of Parliament

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Here is a video of PinkNews Deputy Editor Joseph Patrick McCormick proposing to his fiancé James Anthony Hanson at Speaker’s House in the Palace of Westminster. The cameraman said he was taken slightly off guard by the proposal.

The proposal, which was accepted, took place just moments before Nick Clegg made a speech in acceptance of a PinkNews Award, in which he compared the event to his own proposal in a train station on the way to Sleaford. Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper and the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, also both congratulated the couple.

Ms Cooper suggested she wanted to be invited to the wedding, saying: “I do have a really nice hat.”

It is believed that Mr Hanson and Mr McCormick were the first gay couple to have gotten engaged inside the Speaker’s House.

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