David Cameron pledges support to Crispin Blunt in reselection fight

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A whole raft of senior Tories, including David Cameron and George Osborne, say they hope Crispin Blunt is reselected as the parliamentary 2015 Tory candidate for Reigate in Surrey.

The gay MP was forced to undergo a new selection process by his local Conservative Association’s Executive Council in September.

In order to remain as the Reigate Conservative candidate at the next general election, he must now win the votes of 565 local party members to secure the Conservative candidacy, and vie for a fourth term.

Prime Minister David Cameron praised Mr Blunt in the Commons this week at PMQs. It was after Mr Blunt asked a question about the economy, Mr Cameron said: “I shall take this opportunity to pay tribute to (Crispin) as a constituency MP, for standing up for people and businesses in Reigate and for knowing that what Reigate needs is what the country needs, which is to stand up for hardworking people and to get more businesses, more jobs and more investment turning our country around.”

Chancellor George Osborne also has warm words for the MP. “I’ve known Crispin for many years as an outstanding colleague, MP, Minister and friend,” the Chancellor added: “He has dedicated his life to serving his party, country and constituency with distinction and principle, both in Parliament and in the armed forces. I hope he continues to do so after the next election.”

Mayor of London Boris Johnson offered his support to Mr Blunt, who he described as an old friend, earlier this month. 

Claims that Mr Blunt had been snubbed by Tory activists in his constituency following his decision to come out as gay in 2010 have been rejected by the chair of Reigate’s Conservative Association.

Although many fear it’s a possible reason why Mr Blunt been made to undergo reselection.

He has been a passionate advocate of LGBT rights in recent years and a strong supporter of David Cameron’s commitment to legalise equal marriage in England and Wales.

In May 2012, Mr Blunt recorded an Out4Marriage video. The MP is also a patron of the Kaleidoscope Trust – a UK based international LGBT rights charity.

Ahead of May’s third reading of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act, Mr Blunt told PinkNews.co.uk that David Cameron had shown “fantastic leadership” on equal marriage.

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