Universal Studios pulls plug on ‘super homophobic’ Bill and Ted play

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After Universal Studios earlier this week defended their stance to host a new “homophobic” Bill and Ted play as part of their satirical Halloween Horror Night exhibit, the decision was made recently to pull the plug on the act.

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure, which featured a gay Superman character, was criticised for its stereotyping by Vice Magazine, who called it “super homophobic”.

Universal spokeswoman, Audrey Eig responded to these allegations saying the content was specifically designed to lampoon “all areas” of our culture.

However, the studio has now reversed its stance after “thoughtful consideration” for those offended.

The company released an official statement to the public which read: “After thoughtful consideration, Universal Studios Hollywood has made the decision to discontinue production of the Halloween Horror Nights’ ‘Bill & Ted’ show for the remainder of its limited run.”

Huffington Post reports Universal also removed a clip from the show which featured the gay Superman character from YouTube.

GLAAD spokesperson Wilson Cruz said: “NBCUniversal has taken quick and strong action regarding this matter and also started a productive dialogue around future ‘Bill & Ted’ programming to ensure that all park visitors can have an enjoyable experience.

“This decision falls in line with NBCUniversal’s history of including groundbreaking and positive depictions of LGBT people across its brands.”

Originally Vice blasted the moment in the play when Superman becomes gay after being sprinkled with fairy dust: “After becoming gay, Superman’s voice and posture changes. His lips purse, his toes point inward, and his wrists become limp. His new voice sounds like a homophobic uncle doing a drunken impression of Richard Simmons, complete with lisps and frequent use of the word “faaaaaaabulous!”

Ted asks of the gay character: “Who could possibly make a worse superman?”

Superman is also portrayed as promiscuous and tries to make advances on other characters during the story. The play’s portrayal of black characters has also been called racist by Vice.

In Universal’s defense of the play before pulling the plug, it said: “[Bill and Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure] appears during ‘Halloween Horror Nights’ in limited run and is specifically intended to be shocking and satirical in tone, focusing on adult themes.

“The show lampoons across all areas of our culture and it was not our intention to offend or upset anyone.

“We know there are a range of opinions on this issue and we will respect them as we consistently review and refine the show’s content.”

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