Facebook game depicts gay men as naked violent sexual predators

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Facebook has been criticised for hosting a gaming app that urges users to shoot gay men in a fictional wood.

“Kill to avoid Forest Sex” has so far received 135 likes.

It requires users to shoot at gay men in order to avoid being sexually attacked. The game features graphic cartoon imagery of anal sex – and suggests gamers should fire gunshots directly at the bottom of a naked sexually rampant man in order to score points and avoid defeat.

PinkNews reader Jeza Bell has tweeted her anger at the game, describing it as “disgusting”.

PinkNews has asked Facebook if it plans to remove the app.

Facebook’s guidelines on hate speech state: “We work hard to remove hate speech quickly, however there are instances of offensive content, including distasteful humour, that are not hate speech according to our definition. In these cases, we work to apply fair, thoughtful, and scalable policies.”

The game was first created back in 2002 by a Frenchman called Stéphane Aguie.

Jean Christophe Calvet runs the Uzinagaz site, which launched the game. In 2009 he said: “We launched this game a long time ago [2002] and it worked very well. It was only a few years after it came out that a gay rights association took legal action against us. So we withdrew the game. It’s no longer available on French sites, but it’s impossible to wipe it from all foreign sites too.

“I have to say that at the beginning, we really didn’t understand why the association was attacking us. The guy who came up with the game, Stéphane Aguie, wanted to mock hunters and red-necks, not gay men.

“Our games are not politically correct. They’re aimed at teenagers (12-18) and it’s true that they’re of a juvenile humour. I realise now that this one in particularly could be found shocking, but I believe that you should be able to make this kind of joke in the name of freedom of speech. Incidentally, not everyone in the gay community was supportive of banning the game.”

In May, Apple banned a Christian app that claimed to help users ‘cure’ themselves of homosexuality.

Last month, Tesco apologised for appearing to sell an inflatable “Gay Best Friend” doll on its website and for allowing the word ‘gay’ to be censored. 

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