Ugandan President pays funeral tribute to anti-gay bishop

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At the funeral of a bishop who died earlier this month, Uganda’s President, Yoweri Museveni, has offered praise to a man who campaigned against homosexuality.

In his condolence message delivered at last Thursday’s burial by the State Minister for Investment, Aston Kajara, President Museveni said Eustace Kamanyire should be admired as a role model.

“The late bishop could not fear losing support from foreign countries for his Orphan Project during his campaign against anti [sic] homosexuality in church,” Mr Museveni’s message read in part.

In June 2000, Dr Kamanyire received a letter banning him from preaching in a church in England due to his anti-gay views.

Uganda remains notorious for its violent record towards the LGBT community. President Museveni has so far resisted passing the country’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

In March, President Museveni accused European countries of trying to promote homosexuality and sexual liberalisation. He described gay people as “deviants” and claimed “there is no discrimination, no killings, no marginalisation” of gay Ugandans.

In December 2012, President Museveni said gay people should not be killed or persecuted, but added: “We cannot accept promotion of homosexuality as if it is a good thing.”

A protest against homophobia in Uganda was staged by African LGBT campaigners outside the country’s High Commission in central London last week. 

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