Robbie Williams: ‘I am 49% gay because I love musical theatre’, but not sex with men

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Robbie Williams has spoken out about his sexuality, to say that he thinks he is “49% homosexual” because he loves musicals and “other things that are often associated with gays,” but that he doesn’t like having sex with men.

In the interview with the Daily Star, titled: “Fifty shades of gay”, the Take That star spoke about wanting to work on a musical about his life, suggesting that his love for the dramatic arts made him “49% homosexual”, but that he doesn’t like having “a particular sort of fun”, ie. having sex with men.

He said: “I would really like to have a crack at it. I love musical theatre and a lot of the other things that are often associated with gays.

Continuing, the 39-year-old star said: “I am 49% homosexual and sometimes as far as 50%. However, that would imply that I enjoy having a particular sort of fun which I don’t.”

The Daily Star article, which carried the tagline: “ROBBIE WILLIAMS is banging on again about how gay he is”, went on to joke that Williams’ wife Ayda Field, 34, would not be happy to hear the news.

It concluded to say he wouldn’t “pull any blokes” with his “turdy” hair, “so it’s prob-ably (sic) a good idea that you’re only 49% gay.

Earlier this month, Robbie Williams said he is a straight person “pretending to be gay” as it helps “balance the sides.”

Stereotypes such as gays are “associated with” musical theatre still appear across a range of platforms.

Conservative peer Baroness Knight hit the headlines when she said a higher authority” than any peer, had “already decided that people are not equal”, because “some people can see, others are blind”.

She dismissed suggestions of homophobia on BBC Radio 5 Live by saying: “We’ve all got friends who are homosexuals. They are often extremely, very, very good at artistic things, very good at things like antiques, knowledgeable. No reason at all to say that they’re not loving.”

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