US: Waitress who said she was denied tip for being gay suspended for investigation into alleged incident

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A waitress who said she was denied a tip by a family who said they did not agree with her “lifestyle”, because she is gay, has been suspended pending an investigation into the incident by her employer as the family has said that was not the case.

The  New Jersey restaurant last week said it will investigate the case of a lesbian waitress who said she was denied a tip by a family who said they did not agree with her “lifestyle”, after the family denied the allegations.

Dayna Morales, a gay former marine, allegedly received a note which read: ”I’m sorry but I cannot tip because I don’t agree with your lifestyle & how you live your life.”

However, NBC 4 New York reported that the family to whom the bill belonged contacted the network after the story broke , denying they had any part in writing the abusive message.

Writing on its Facebook page, the Gallop Asian Bistro wrote a message saying Morales “is currently not on our employee schedule while (we) are still working to complete our investigation.”

It also confirmed on Tuesday that the investigation should be over “very soon”.

Social media has been ablaze with those condemning Ms Morales on the belief that she made the whole thing up.

Ms Morales told NBC 4 New York on Monday that she was certain she did not receive a tip, also denying the handwriting was hers.

She said: “All I know is what I’ve been saying.”

Previously, Ms Morales said that when she introduced herself to the couple and their two children, the mother was allegedly shocked by Ms Morales’ short hair, and said: “Oh I thought you were gonna say your name is Dan. You sure surprised us!”

The family have claimed this was a misunderstanding, however, and said the hostess who sat the family told them their server would be “Dan,” which surprised them when it turned out to be otherwise.

The mother claimed she said: “Whoa, you’re not Dan!”

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