First same-sex weddings will take place on anti-gay rights Lord Tebbit’s birthday

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In a humorous twist of fate, the first same-sex weddings in England and Wales are set to take place on the birthday of Lord Norman Tebbit, one of the strongest equal marriage opponents.


The Government today finally announced that the first same-sex marriages will be held from 29 March 2014 in England and Wales, some time earlier than had been originally expected.

That is coincidentally the same date as Lord Tebbit’s birthday. He was born on 29 March 1931.

Lord Tebbit was one of equal marriage’s most virulent opponents during its passage through the House of Lords. He compared homosexuality to poygamy, paedophilia and incest.

He said that David Cameron had “fucked things up” by introducing same-sex marriage, as it would lead to incestuous or polygamous marriage.

Lord Tebbit also argued that gay people are not currently discriminated against as a gay man has the same right to marry a woman as he does, just as he doesn’t have the right to marry a man – although he doesn’t want to.

He also questioned what would be the situation if a Queen of England were to come out as gay, and problems with Royal succession therein.

Before that, the former Conservative Party chairman suggested that brothers should be allowed to marry each other if gays can, saying: “I quite fancy my brother”.

In a Guardian interview Lord Tebbit  later spoke of Jimmy Savile and the massive child abuse scandal that emerged after the entertainer’s death, saying he would “not have been surprised” if he was gay, as he had “a homosexual air about him”.

This means it is just in time for Lord Tebbit’s birthday – what a lovely surprise. Happy Birthday!

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