Viral video fakes that Justin Bieber is gay to save serial drink driver

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A viral video features a prank on a serial drink-driver in the US which shows him duped into thinking he has awoken from a ten-year coma into a world where Justin Bieber is gay.

The video was uploaded by US comic Tom Mabe, and has been viewed over 4 million times in two days.

It shows the man pass out after drinking too much, before the comic and his friends turn an office into a fake hospital room.

They dress as doctors and nurses, and he is told: “You were out drinking and had a car accident in 2013. It is now 2023. You have been in a coma for 10 years.”

After the fake nurses switch on a television, he sees a report which says that then President Hillary Clinton is threatening to go to war with Canada, Justin Bieber is gay and lives with a top stock car driver, and that Miley Cyrus lives in a trailer park and defecates on peoples’ lawns.

He is then slapped by the doctor who yells “You have five DUIs!”, before revealing himself as Tom Mabe.

The Syrian Electronic Army, the group responsible for hacking both the BBC and the Associated Press, in May of this year used a compromised Twitter account to claim that pop star Justin Bieber is gay.


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