Police search for homophobic hammer attacker of Punch and Judy puppeteer’s dog

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Police are searching for an attacker who smashed a dog in the head with a hammer, and defaced the van of a children’s entertainer with a homophobic slur.

Guernsey police are investigating after 25-year-old children’s entertainer Jenny Harding, went to feed her six-year-old dog Alice yesterday, to find that her eye was bulging.

The Guernsey Press reports that a bloody flat-headed hammer was found nearby. A vet has confirmed that the dog’s eye will have to be removed.

Guernsey paper

The story featured on the front page of the Guernsey Press

The words “Die filthy queer” were painted onto the back of her polka-dot van, which she uses for her Punch and Judy shows.

“I just feel sad that this has happened,” she said yesterday. “It is a scary thing to happen in this day and age,” she went on.

Ms Harding is trained as a clown, a trick rider, Punch and Judy puppeteer, high-wire and fire acts.

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