London: Lecturer who compared gay teachers to the Ku Klux Klan sacked from college

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A lecturer at an east London college who compared gay teachers to the Ku Klux Klan and admitted that he loathed Sir Elton John for his “over-burdensome gayism” has been sacked.

Dr Mark Walcott, former head of performing arts at Newham College in east London and a part-time psychotherapist, was secretly recorded making homophobic comments last year.

The audio was published on YouTube after staff at Newham College accused management of inaction following an 8-month investigation into Dr Walcott’s conduct.

The Principal of Newham College, Denise Brown-Sackey, stepped down following the revelations. A new investigation is ongoing.

Dr Walcott admitted being prejudiced and said the gay community was like the “Ku Klux Klan, the Freemasons and the Nazis” who all wanted to boost their “memberships” by “indoctrinating people”.

He said: “I have prejudices about people who are homosexual and are grooming my children and other people’s children into homosexuality when they didn’t actually choose it.

“Gay people’s objectives [are] not just to have lots of gay sex, but also to increase the gay community. Gayism or any sexual preference is subliminally taught and auto-suggestive.

It was claimed last week Dr Walcott had no formal teaching qualifications.

In a statement on Thursday, Newham College said: “Following the online publication of a recording in which Mark Walcott expressed views wholly unacceptable to us, Newham College formally suspended Mr Walcott with effect from 25th November 2013.

“Since that date Mr Walcott has not been allowed onto Newham College’s premises; nor has he provided any services to the College. On 9th December the College formally terminated its relationship with Mr Walcott through his company Stratford MADA.

“As previously stated, the views expressed by Mr Walcott in that recording do not represent the values of Newham College; the College wishes to restate that it deplores those views.”

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