Peter Tatchell: Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill breaks country’s own Constitution

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell says the decision of Uganda’s Parliament to pass the country’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill violates constitutional law.

Campaigners are calling on Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni not to sign the bill into law.

On Friday, MPs in Uganda passed legislation to toughen the punishment for same-sex sexual activity, including life imprisonment for all same-sex sexual behaviour – not just the current life tariff for anal intercourse. 

The bill increases the penalty for other acts – including mere sexual touching – from seven years to life imprisonment.

“The new anti-gay law violates Article 21 of the Ugandan Constitution and Articles 2 and 3 of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights – both of which guarantee equal treatment and non-discrimination to all people,” said Mr Tatchell on Friday.

“It is part of a broader attack on civil society and is symptomatic of Uganda’s drift to Mugabe-style authoritarianism. This wider repression includes a clamp down on protests, strikes, the media and opposition activists.

“The bill extends the existing penalty of life imprisonment for same-sex intercourse to all other same-sex behaviour, including the mere touching of another person with the intent to have homosexual relations,” continued Mr Tatchell.

“Life imprisonment is also the penalty for contracting a same-sex marriage.

“Promoting homosexuality and aiding and abetting others to commit homosexual acts will be punishable by five to seven years in jail. These new crimes are likely to include membership and funding of LGBT organisations, advocacy of LGBT human rights, supportive counselling of LGBT persons and the provision of condoms or safer sex advice to LGBT people.

“A person in authority – gay or heterosexual – who fails to report violators to the police within 24 hours will be sentenced to three years behind bars.

“Astonishingly, the new legislation has an extra-territorial jurisdiction. It will also apply to Ugandan citizens or foreign residents of Uganda who commit these ‘crimes’ while abroad, in countries where such behaviour is not a criminal offence. Violators overseas will be subjected to extradition, trial and punishment in Uganda.

“This bill is in some respects even more draconian than the extreme homophobic laws of countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran,” added Mr Tatchell.

UK Labour MP Diane Abbott has condemned the Ugandan Parliament’s decision.

She told “This really is dreadful news that has come from Uganda today, especially as it comes just days after the death of Nelson Mandela, who stood up for the rights of all including the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.”

Conservative MP Nigel Evans also criticised Ugandan MPs who had voted for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill.


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