California: Gay man suffers broken eye socket in homophobic attack

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A gay man in San Diego was viciously assaulted by three men in a homophobic attack, leaving the victim with broken ribs and a damaged eye socket.

“I’ve never been that scared in my entire life,” said Dwayne Wynn to 10 News. “I literally thought I was going to die. I thought they were going to kill me. They were beating me that bad.”

The attack happened just after midnight on Monday in the San Diego suburb of Hillcrest. Three men jumped out of a vehicle and approached the victim, shouting homophobic slurs.

Mr Wynn suffered a broken eye socket, three cracked ribs, fractured fingers and required 18 stitches to his side.

“They just didn’t stop and they thought it was a game,” he said. “They thought it was fun.”

“I was laying there,” said Mr Wynn. “I was covered in blood and I could hear them literally high fiving each other as they’re walking to their truck.”

Police have yet to make any arrests.

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