Polish MP expresses support for Uganda’s anti-gay law with homophobic and racist remarks

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A Polish MP has expressed his support for Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill and at the same time described the Ugandan population as “kind of wild people”.

Stanislaw Pieta managed to display homophobia and racism in equal measure in remarks on Twitter.

He tweeted on Sunday that the “kind of wild people” (Ugandans) realise that they shouldn’t “insult the laws of nature”.

Mr Pieta also suggested that gay people in prison should be separated in order to prevent them from having sex.

The MP has been criticised for his remarks on Twitter.

He previously has linked homosexuality to necrophilia, zoofilia and paedophilia.

Mr Pieta belongs to the far-right anti-gay Law and Justice party (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość).

Last Friday, the UK Government condemned the Ugandan Parliament for passing its Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

MPs in Uganda passed legislation to toughen the punishment for same-sex sexual activity, including life imprisonment for all same-sex sexual behaviour – not just the current life tariff for anal intercourse. 

Campaigners are calling on Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni not to sign the bill into law.

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