Canada: Host of cancelled radio show denies that he is homophobic

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The former host of a cancelled radio show who was suspended, and then cut, for making homophobic comments about gay men involved in a criminal trial of which he was the jury foreman, has denied that he is homophobic.

Dean Blundell was cut by The Edge 102.1 in Toronto after making the comments back in 2012. The station announce on Monday that the Dean Blundell was to be cut.

Now the thirteen-year radio host has denied in a statement on his website that he is homophobic, instead attributing the comments to the inappropriate nature of his shock radio show.

He said: “Let me state unequivocally that I am not a homophobe.

“Over the 13 years I have been live on the radio, I consistently had guests on from the LGBT community. I did not discriminate on my show. I made fun of everything and everyone, and was encouraged to do so with the brand of entertainment we were employed to deliver. I have always been supportive of my gay friends and of the gay community.”

In an early December episode of his show, he and other members of his team were heard making jokes that a man who was sentenced to imprisonment for sexually assaulting three other men, would actually enjoy his imprisonment.

They also mocked men who visit gay saunas generally, and the victims of the crime. Reports at the time pointed out that he had sworn an oath in the courthouse as jury foreman, that he was not prejudiced against gay people.

The show had repeatedly been criticised for homophobic and discriminatory views, most recently in August 2013.

Blundell tweeted on Monday: “Truly love you all. The last 13 years been the greatest time of my life.”

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