Sassy note from lesbian to nosey neighbour goes viral

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A note apparently from a lesbian to a neighbour who made a passing comment about her sexuality has gone viral.

The original picture of the note appeared on Have a Gay Day’s Facebook page, and is offered in response to a comment from a neighbour.

Reports suggest it was posted on the door of the neighbour, although the identity of the woman has not been revealed – PinkNews assumed that she is not from the UK as she uses the American spelling of the word “neighbour”.

Dear whoever just walked by the laundry room and whispered, ‘she’s a lesbian.’ What gave it away? My lack of bra, my no make-up, my black truck, my boots? OR was it the painful fact that I bring more girls home than you?


Your lesbian neighbor.

P.S. Very observant.

Similar letters have gone viral in the past.

A letter in which a grandfather denounced his daughter’s decision to disown her son after he came out as gay was widely shared last year.

Another, much more supportive letter, sent from a father to his son, who he overheard speaking on the phone about wanting to come out, also went viral.

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