Final vote date of Scotland’s equal marriage bill announced

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The date of the final vote on Scotland’s equal marriage bill has been announced.

A stage 3 debate and vote will take place on 4 Feb.

Tom French, policy coordinator for the Equality Network said to “After six years of campaigning for equal marriage there is now less than a fortnight to go until the final vote. Scotland can be proud that we have produced one of the most progressive equal marriage bills in the world, and it vital that everyone who supports LGBT equality now contacts our MSPs to protect against any negative amendments being made and to make sure this bill passes into law with the strong majority it deserves.”

The Scottish Parliament’s Equal Opportunities Committee unanimously voted to pass an amendment by MSP Linda Fabiani in favour of removing the spousal veto from the country’s equal marriage bill last week.

It means that, unlike in England and Wales, married transgender people in Scotland will no longer be forced to obtain written consent from their spouse before they can get legal recognition of their gender.

Stage two of proceedings for Scotland’s equal marriage bill was then completed. Positive amendments were passed and all the negative amendments, such as allowing opt-outs for registrars, were defeated.

The Marriage and Civil Partnerships (Scotland) Bill passed its first Stage One vote on 20 November.

A poll in December showed a majority of Scotland’s population support marriage rights for same-sex couples.

56% of Scots support the legislation going through Holyrood; 35% are opposed, while 8% are unsure.

The findings were welcomed by equal marriage campaigners who say MSPs should “take heart” from the level of support among the public.






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