UKIP leader Nigel Farage presents spoof BBC Weather forecast on Sunday Politics

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Nigel Farage MEP, the leader of UKIP has presented a spoof weather forecast mocking “fruitcakes” and “extremists” in other political parties.

The weather forecast, broadcast on BBC One’s Sunday Politics programme was in response to the public mocking of UKIP over a town councillor who claimed that “gay marriage caused storms”. David Silvester was suspended from UKIP for the claims and his belief that homosexuality can be cured through Christian prayer.

Last weekend, the actor Nicholas Pegg recorded a spoof Radio 4 Shipping Forecast with information supposedly provided by UKIP.

David Cameron and Tory MP Simon Kirby mocked the weather related views of UKIP during Prime Minister’s Question Time last Wednesday.

Mr Farage has agreed to answer questions from PinkNews readers. You can submit them here.

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