Ugandan President tells angry MPs: People are born gay just like albinos

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President Yoweri Museveni will reportedly only sign Uganda’s anti-gay bill into law if he has proof that gay people are ‘made’ and ‘not born’ into their sexuality.

Uganda’s Observer newspaper claims President Museveni made the declaration last Friday in a meeting with MPs.

“Unless I have got confirmation from scientists that this condition is not genetic, but a behaviour that is acquired, I will not sign the bill,” President Museveni reportedly said.

Those present included Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi. Earlier this month Mr Mbabazi branded gay people “abnormal”.

In December, Uganda’s Parliament passed legislation to toughen the punishment for same-sex sexual activity, including life imprisonment for ‘repeat offenders’.

The UK and US governments, criticised the move along with business magnate and investor Sir Richard Branson – who has urged for a corporate boycott of Uganda.

President Museveni announced he would not be signing the bill earlier this month, leading to a furious response from MPs who support the law.

“He told us that his views against the law were influenced by a report by some gay rights activists whom he met recently. He said that those activists told him that gays were born just like albinos,” a source was quoted as saying at last week’s meeting.

President Museveni’s comments did not go down well with him receiving jeers and boos from MPs who are furious that he has not given presidential assent to the bill.

Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi and Vice President Edward Ssekandi both argued at the meeting that existing legislation already deals with gay people.

Same-sex sexual activity remains illegal in Uganda and prosecutions take place on a regular basis.

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