UK government channeling support to Russian LGBT activists to fight oppression

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The UK’s Minister for Equalities, Maria Miller, who will be representing the British government at next week’s Winter Olympic Games in Sochi has confirmed that the UK is channeling support to LGBT activists in Russia.

Speaking to the BBC tonight, Mrs Miller, who is also the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport said: “We are already putting in place additional support to make sure that gay rights organisations have got the sort of support and expertise that I think can make a real difference to the work on the ground in the Russia.”

Mrs Miller added that the British government is supporting LGBT rights campaigners in Russia because it wants to “state very clearly that as a country we believe in freedom of speech and we believe in the importance of universal human rights.”

Princess Anne, a former Olympic equestrian competitor, London 2012 chief Lord Coe and Mrs Miller will lead the British delegation.

David Cameron will not attend the event. A spokesperson said: “We are confirming that the Prime Minister is not attending, and that reflects that it is not usual for the Prime Minister to attend. However, the Prime Minister will be in Sochi later this year for the G8.”

President Putin chose the Black Sea resort for the G8 summit of major world powers this June.

On 15 January, PinkNews confirmed Maria Miller, the Culture Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities, will attend the Winter Olympics.

In December, PinkNews revealed that Sports and Equalities Minister Helen Grant also plans to attend the Winter Olympics – although Prime Minister David Cameron confirmed he would not.

In the same month, US President Barack Obama named several gay sports stars as part of America’s delegation – but confirmed that he will not be attending the event himself.

For the first time since 2000, the US will also not send a president, former president, first lady or vice president to the Winter Olympics.

Several days before, French President Francois Hollande announced he would not be attending the Games.

German President Joachim Gauck also said he was not going to Sochi.

However, both President Hollande and President Gauck failed to state their official reasons for not attending.

Someone who did state her reasons for not attending was EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding. She announced on her official Twitter account that she would “certainly not go to Sochi as long as minorities are treated the way they are under the current Russian legislation.”

The mayor of Sochi, the Russian city which is hosting the Winter Olympics from 7 February, has said there are no gay people in his city.

Earlier this month, President Vladimir Putin claimed gay people would be welcome in Sochi, providing they “just leave the children alone”.

“We don’t have a ban on non-traditional sexual relations,” he said. “We have a ban on the propaganda of homosexuality and paedophilia.”

In a subsequent interview, Putin denied accusations of homophobia, saying he was not prejudiced as he was on “friendly terms” with several people who are gay.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev last week dismissed criticism of the country’s anti-gay laws, claiming not a single gay person in Russia has complained.

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