Julianne Moore and Zach Galifianakis to star in gay rights film

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Julianne Moore and Zach Galifianakis have joined the cast of Ellen Page upcoming gay rights drama, Freeheld.

According to TheWrap, Moore will play New Jersey police detective Laurel Hester, the lesbian lover of terminally ill Stacie Andree (Ellen Page).

The film is based on the true story of the couple, and Hester’s battle to assign her pension benefits to Andree in 2005.

Ron Nyswaner has written the screenplay for the film, based on the 2008 Oscar-winning short film. Peter Sollett will direct.

Galifianakis is signed on to play New Jersey-based equality activist Steven Goldstein.

Last year, ‘Hangover’ star Galifianakis starred in a bizarre music video in which he got married to a man.

Moore, who starred in gay love drama A Single Man, announced her support for equal marriage in 2010.

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