Video: Crowd cheers as Ugandan President declares ‘war on the homosexual lobby’ with anti-gay bill

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On announcing his intention to sign a bill dubbed the “jail the gays” bill, the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni addressed a cheering crowd to say he was declaring “war on the homosexual lobby”.

This video shows him saying he will sign the bill, at which point the crowd cheers loudly.

In December, Uganda’s Parliament passed legislation to toughen the punishment for same-sex sexual activity, including life imprisonment for ‘repeat offenders’.

Previously, President Yoweri Museveni said he would only sign the bill into law if he had proof that gay people are ‘made’ and ‘not born’ into their sexuality.

However, he now believes a recent scientific report has provided him the proof he needs, and on Friday announced his intention to sign the bill to “protect Ugandans against social deviants”.

“The debate is, are you born homosexual or not. That’s not for you to answer. You should ask why you are putting yourself in trouble,” said Museveni.

“We shall have a war with the homosexual lobby, in the world, backed by these people and you,”

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