Uganda: ‘We don’t care’ if we lose international aid over anti-gay and miniskirt laws

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Ugandans would rather “die poor”, than give up a law which will increase punishments for homosexuality, a Government spokesman has said.

According to AFP, Uganda’s Minister for Ethics and Intergrity Simon Lokodo, defended the law, nicknamed the “jail the gays” bill, following the announcement that President Yoweri Museveni would sign the bill earlier this week. 

He also defended the Anti-Pornography Bill, which bans women from wearing miniskirts and any other clothing deemed “provocative”. It has been noted that many TV shows and films will be banned, and pop artists such as Beyoncé will not be able to perform in the country.

Lokodo said: “We shall not care losing the financial support from our partners if only we are left alone,” saying Ugandans would rather “die poor than live in an immoral nation.”

“For donors to say they will not give us aid because of the anti-homosexuality bill and the anti-porno law, that is blackmail and unacceptable, they can rather stay with their aid,” the minister said.

“If tomorrow, the president signs the anti-homosexuality bill and the outside world say they are not coming to Uganda, let them remain there, we don’t care.”

In December, Uganda’s Parliament passed legislation to toughen the punishment for same-sex sexual activity, including life imprisonment for ‘repeat offenders’.

The British Department for International Development (DfID) last month confirmed to PinkNews that its policy for giving international aid meant that countries such as Nigeria and Uganda do not directly receive aid, but that it is distributed through companies such as the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank and other contracted services.

President Barack Obama on Sunday warned Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni not to sign the country’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

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