US: State of Kentucky accepts ruling that it must recognise out-of-state gay marriages

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The US state of Kentucky won’t fight against a ruling made last week which meant the state must immediately recognise out-of-state same-sex marriages.

A US federal judge earlier this month struck down a Kentucky ban on the recognition of same-sex marriages from other states.

US District Judge John G Heyburn upheld the ruling, and said the ban violated the guarantee of equal protection under the US Constitution, in a final ruling last week.

State Attorney General Jack Conway on Tuesday announced that he did not intend to appeal against the ruling made last Thursday.

“Judge Heyburn got it right,” said Conway.

He previously asked for a three month delay on the order requiring the state to recognise out-of-state same-sex couples, to decide how to proceed with the issue, but seemingly made up his mind in a matter of days.

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