Singer Dan Gillespie-Sells: Closeted gay celebrities ‘are part of the problem’ in tackling homophobia

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The lead singer of the Feeling has criticised gay celebrities who do not come out, saying that they are “part of the problem”, when it comes to tackling homophobia in society.

Dan Gillespie-Sells, who is openly gay, and who was raised by gay parents, said that homophobia was perpetuated in society by some gay peoples’ reluctance to come out.

Speaking to Metro at the 40th birthday celebration of the London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard, he said: “People don’t understand that by avoiding the subject they are immediately looking like they are ashamed.

“When people do that half-arsed thing of saying, ‘I don’t want to talk about it’, it really p*sses me off.”

He continued: “I’ve always felt really strongly that I want people to know that I am gay,

“I don’t really believe in this idea that everyone has some kind of right to privacy. I think sharing who you are and being yourself is so valuable.

“It’s so important. I think if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.”

In an interview with PinkNews in 2011, Gillespie-Sells said: “I would encourage anyone to come out regardless of what world they’re in, even if it means getting chucked out or having to fight with your family. I don’t think there are any circumstances where you can say that living a lie is ever good.”

The star came out when he was a teenager and has always asserted that there was never an issue around his sexuality because he was always open about it.

On coming out last month, Hollywood actress Ellen Page said: “I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission.”

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