Swedish couple consider leaving home town over third homophobic attack

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

A gay couple in rural Sweden have said they have considered leaving town after they were subjected to a third allegedly homophobic attack this week.

The couple, Roy and Hakan, who live in the town of Kinna, had the back window of their car smashed with a large stone in the early hours of Thursday morning.

The couple say it is the third attack in recent weeks, and that previously they had the word “fag”, and other expletives, scratched into the side of their car.

The Local reports that Hakan spoke to Sveriges Radio to say: “I don’t understand who means us such harm… It’s extremely troubling.

“We don’t want to live here any more, but it’s not like you can just pack up and move either, that’s not so easy,” he continued.

Local residents, however, attempted to make a stand against the attacks, holding a demonstration in the town square against hate crimes.

Hakan was also attacked whilst walking his dog, but the suspect has not been caught by police.

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