NYC pastor: ‘Jesus would stone homos – stoning is still the law’

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a white background.

Dr James Manning, a New York City pastor who recently blamed Obama for “releasing homo demons on the black man,” is now calling on Christians to stone gay people.

The Atlah Worldwide Missionary Church in Harlem, NYC, put up its new announcement recently which reads: “Jesus would stone homos. Stoning is still the law.”

According to the weblog Joe My God, Dr Manning said in a recent YouTube video – now removed for hate speech – that Christians who do not commit acts of violence against gay people are “advocating lawlessness.”

He said: “Stoning of the homos is now in order. Stoning is still the law.”


The pastor, who is a long-time opponent of the Obama administration, also at the end of February came under controversy after claiming that ”Obama has released the homo demons on the black man. Look out black woman. A white homo may take your man.”

He added: “Obama has released these [gay] demons particularly upon the black males, this homosexual demon, to enforce as many black males to subscribe to ideas of a homosexual, perverted, LGBT as possible.”

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