Homophobic pastor claims Ugandan President will join procession in celebration of anti-gay law

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Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, is set to join a procession celebrating the implementation of a law harshening punishments for those found guilty of homosexuality, an adamantly homophobic pastor has claimed.

Pastor Martin Ssempa, who today tweeted PinkNews out of the blue with the wise and simple words “rectal obsession”, announced a rally for next Monday 24 March, in support of the bill signed into law earlier this year by Museveni.

“We stand by our President and our Parliament for enacting the law. This is a day to say no to sodomy,” Ssempa said in an interview late last week.

According to Ssempa: “President Yoweri Museveni has confirmed that he will be the chief walker,” in the procession which will start at Makerere University.

A Presidential spokesman declined to confirm or deny whether the President will be in attendance.

Speaking with reference to several companies which have reiterated their support for LGBT employees in Uganda, and around the world, Ssempa said: “They should respect our culture or we shall mobilise the masses to shun their products.”

Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act into law earlier this year. It increases jail terms for those found guilty of being gay, including life sentences for “repeat offenders”.

Martin Ssempa is well known for his lectures against homosexuality. He went on Uganda television last December and demonstrated with fruit and vegetables how he believes gay men and women have sex.

Four pastors, which includedSsempa had a ruling that they had defamed Pastor Robert Kayanja, upheld last month.

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