Poll: Over half of people in Japan oppose same-sex marriage

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Despite three-quarters of Japanese adults thinking society is unkind to LGBT people, just over half still oppose same-sex marriage.

A nationwide poll conducted by Nihon Yoro Chosa-kai on behalf of Kyodo News, and showed that 52.4% of Japanese adults said they opposed or somewhat opposed marriage rights for gay couples.

This figure was compared to 42.3% who supported, or somewhat supported same-sex marriage.

The poll also found that 19.7% of adults believed that society was kind or somewhat kind of sexual minorities, compared to 74.6% who said they thought society was unkind. 5.7% said they did not know.

As with many similar opinion polls, this one found that a majority of women actually supported same-sex marriage, and a majority of men opposed it. People in their 20s and 30s reached 70% support for same-sex marriage, while those aged 60 or more saw the same percentage in opposition.

As many as 69% said they opposed to any unmarried couple raising a child despite 60% saying they supported cohabitation rights for unmarried straight couples.

The survey interviewed 1,744 people on 1 and 2 March.

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