Catholic League: Boycott Heineken, Guinness and Sam Adams, they support gay equality

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

The head of the Catholic League has called for a boycott of Heineken, Guinness and Sam Adams beers, after they dropped sponsorship of St Patrick’s Day parades that banned gay groups.

The group’s president Bill Donohue called for Catholics to stop drinking the beers, due to their abandonment of the parades in New York and Boston, after it emerged that gay groups would not be allowed to march.

Donohue said: “I have had my last Guinness and Sam Adams. Heineken was always slop, so there is no sacrifice there.

“I urge Catholics, and all those who believe in tolerance, diversity, and the First Amendment, to join with me in boycotting these brews.”

All three companies dropped sponsorship of this week’s St Patrick’s Day parades,.

Sam Adams pulled out of the Boston Parade last Friday, citing its ban on gay groups.

Later the same day, Heineken pulled out of the New York parade, and said: “We believe in equality for all. We are no longer a sponsor of Monday’s parade”.

Guinness attracted the ire of Rupert Murdoch on Monday when they also pulled out of the New York parade, leading the media tycoon to call for a boycott.

However, car manufacturer Ford attracted criticism for refusing to drop their sponsorship of the parade, telling GLAAD: “No one person, group or event reflects Ford’s views on every issue.”

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