Tory ministers Eric Pickles and Baroness Stowell raise rainbow flag to mark first same-sex weddings

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Communities Secretary Eric Pickles and Communities Minister Baroness Stowell have raised the rainbow flag outside the Department for Communities and Local Government in Westminster to mark Saturday’s historic arrival of equal marriage in England and Wales.

The two Conservatives ministers looked especially smart for the occasion as they posed for a photograph on Friday.

Stowell and Pickles

Earlier this week, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Cabinet Minister Francis Maude ordered the rainbow flag to be flown at the top of the Cabinet Office and the Scotland Office from Friday afternoon until Monday morning.

Mr Clegg said: “Raising the rainbow flag on Whitehall is a small symbol to celebrate a massive achievement. I want to wish everyone getting married this weekend the very best of luck, on what is a truly momentous occasion.”

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