Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones: Same-sex marriage brings Wales one step closer to equality

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Now that same-sex couples can marry in England and Wales, the First Minister of Wales Carwyn Jones, writes for PinkNews to congratulate same-sex couples getting married, saying it brings Wales one step closer to equality.

Hoffwn longyfarch yr holl gyplau o’r un rhyw yng Nghymru sy’n priodi ddydd Sadwrn, yn ogystal â’r rheini sy’n bwriadu priodi yn nes ymlaen eleni. Mae hwn yn ddiwrnod hanesyddol i Gymru o ran hawliau dynol.

Rydyn ni am i Gymru fod yn wlad sy’n seiliedig ar degwch a chydraddoldeb. Gwlad sy’n gwrthod goddef gwahaniaethu, sy’n gwerthfawrogi amrywiaeth, ac sy’n helpu pobl i fyw eu bywydau fel y dymunant. Mae priodasau rhwng cyplau o’r un rhyw yn dod â ni gam yn nes at hynny. Mae’n gwbl briodol fod y berthynas rhwng cyplau hoyw yn cael ei chydnabod yn ffurfiol, yn yr un ffordd â’r berthynas rhwng cyplau heterorywiol.

I would like to send my congratulations to all same sex couples in Wales getting  married on Saturday or who have plans to do so later this year. This marks a historic day for civil rights in Wales.

We want Wales to be a country built on fairness and equality. This means zero-tolerance of discrimination, valuing diversity and helping people live the lives they wish. Same sex marriage brings us closer to achieving this. It is only right that gay couples have the opportunity for their relationship to be formally recognised in the same way that straight couples can.

Carwyn Jones is the First Minister of Wales.

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