US: NOM co-founder calls Mozilla boycott over ‘intolerance’ towards CEO

Illustrated rainbow pride flag on a pink background.

One of the co-founders of the National Organisation for Marriage is calling for a boycott of Mozilla Firefox, due to ‘intolerance’ shown to their new CEO, who opposes equal marriage.

Three members of Mozilla’s board resigned in protest yesterday, when CEO Brendan Eich failed to stand down after it emerged he had donated money to a campaign that opposes equal marriage.

Robert P. George, chairman of anti-gay marriage group NOM, said in a Facebook message today: “The employees of Mozilla evidently think that people like me, and perhaps you, are not morally fit to be employees of their company. They are attempting to force out their CEO because he made a financial contribution in support of the ballot initiative to uphold marriage in California as the union of husband and wife.

“The CEO isn’t out yet, but he has already caved to the pressure, apologizing for “causing pain” by supporting marriage. That won’t be enough. His “sin” is unforgivable under the new morality. He’ll soon be gone.

“I have just deleted Mozilla Firefox from my computer. If I’m not morally fit to be their employee, I’m not morally fit to use their products. If you are a faithful Catholic, Evangelical, Eastern Orthodox Christian, Mormon, Orthodox Jew, Muslim […] I would ask you to do the same.”

Mozilla are already facing a boycott from the gay community, with dating site OKCupid urging its users to ditch their browser.

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