Durex responds to complaints over no gay couples in ad: Straight actors just did better at casting

PinkNews logo on a pink background surrounded by illustrated line drawings of a rainbow, pride flag, unicorn and more.

Condom giant Durex has responded to complaints about a recent advert which featured various straight couples, but no gay ones, to say same-sex couples were not deliberately excluded during casting.

The company’s ‘Earth Hour’ video, which encourages people to switch off all electrics and take to the bedroom instead, features nine couples, who are all straight.

It begins with them all distracted from one another by technology, and ends with them all switching off their gadgets and gone to bed together.

Some took to Twitter to ask Durex why no same-sex couples were featured in the ad promoting Earth Hour, which coincidentally fell on the same day the first same-sex weddings took place in England and Wales.

Others complained that Durex did not respond to their tweets asking the question, when the company did return answers to questions, for example, about whether pre-charged sex toys were allowed during the switch-off.

“This is a global wake-up call from Durex. It’s time for tech lovers to switch off and reconnect for Earth Hour 2014.”

Speaking to PinkNews, a spokesperson from Durex said the ad did not intentionally exclude same-sex couples, and that actors used were picked based on talent, rather than sexuality.

They said: “Durex is passionate about everybody having great, safe sex whatever their sexual orientation. Durex is also committed to working with the gay and bisexual community and continues to target gay and bisexual men, for example by including information on the website, here. The creative team who produced the film held auditions and casted according to the actors they felt were best suited to the roles and this was regardless of their sexuality.”

Despite the complaints, PinkNews notes that Durex supports LGBT campaigns globally, including sponsorship of pride events and sexual health initiatives.

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