Writer at lesbian dating app Dattch blasts OKCupid for campaign against anti-gay marriage Firefox CEO

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A writer at Dattch, the dating app aimed specifically at lesbian and bisexual women, says the CEO of Firefox should not have lost his job over his anti-equal marriage stance.

Mozilla, the company behind the Firefox web browser, announced the resignation of Brendan Eich last Thursday.

It was revealed in 2012 that Mr Eich donated $1,000 (£605) in 2008 to the campaign supporting California’s Proposition 8, whilst he was Mozilla’s chief technology officer.

The Prop 8 law banned same-sex marriages in the state and was finally struck down by the US Supreme Court after years of legal battles in June 2013.

The Mozilla co-founder blasted dating website OKCupid for urging its members to boycott Firebox days after his appointment last month.

Emily Moulder, community manager of Dattch, believes Mr Eich should have been allowed to remain in post.

She wrote on Telgraph.co.uk: “If your boss found out that you enjoyed hunting on the weekend, do they have the right to fire you because they disagree with it? Likewise do you have the right to call for your boss’ resignation because you find out that they’re cheating on their spouse? Both potentially questionable activities but they’re private and, quite frankly, none of your business. So why is it acceptable for the CEO of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, to lose his job over a $1,000 donation to block gay marriage in California? Even OKCupid recently released a statement urging users of Mozilla Firefox to use another browser over the gift to help Prop 8 block gay marriage in California in 2008.”

Although she disagreed with his views, Ms Moulder felt the campaign against Mr Eich had come rather late.

She said: “I’ve no doubt that Brendan Eich will be just fine and he won’t be on benefits anytime soon, but his personal wealth and comfortable lifestyle shouldn’t mean he’s a special case. He was forced out of his job because his personal beliefs and actions six years ago have been highlighted in a negative way – despite the fact that they were made public years ago. Nothing happened then and it shouldn’t happen now. Is it a nice thing to do to donate to a campaign that prevented the rights of millions of people from marrying? No, of course not. Is it his right to donate to a campaign he believed in? Absolutely. If we support people’s rights and freedoms, that needs to be everybody, not just the people you agree with.”

Ms Moulder said it was important to respect personal beliefs. She added: “Building awareness of LGBTQ issues is always great but, so far, all that’s happened from this is that one man lost his job and OKCupid got worldwide attention again. But their publicity came at the price of one man’s personal and political choices. It isn’t right that Brendan Eich lost his job because of his personal beliefs, anymore than I should lose my job because I’m a lesbian. I may not agree with him and how he feels about gay marriage, but that’s how the world works – we’re allowed to have different viewpoints and publicly punishing each other for them isn’t right. That’s not equality.”

Meanwhile, PinkNews has revealed that homophobes on Twitter have used the resignation of Mr Eich as an excuse to shower homophobic sentiment on Mozilla’s feedback website


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