Prince George has a playdate with gay couple’s baby in New Zealand

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The son of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge has a playdate with the daughter of a gay couple.

Prince George, who is eight months old, is accompanying his parents to New Zealand and Australia on his first ever royal trip.

On Wednesday, in Wellington he will be introduced to ten other babies born around the same time as him, including Isabella Mullen, the daughter of same-sex couple Jared and Ryan Mullen.

Tristine Clark, president of New Zealand parental support service Plunket, told the Telegraph: “The parents are a spread of all the communities in New Zealand, including Maoris, Samoans, people of Chinese descent and gay couples.

“This is a very multi-cultural country and we wanted the Duke and Duchess to meet people from all backgrounds.”

Last month the Queen, George’s great-grandmother, praised a gay rights charity for what is thought to be the first time in her entire reign.

She wrote to the London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard: “Best wishes and congratulations to all concerned on this most special anniversary.”

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