Chile: Gay man dies of injuries after homophobic attack

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A gay Chilean man who was left comatose by a homophobic attack has died of his injuries.

According to newspaper La Tercera, 21-year-old Wladimir Sepúlveda died in hospital early on Sunday, suffering from brain injuries.

He was left comatose after the attack in October last year, and had never recovered from the incident.

According to the earlier reports, Sepúlveda was walking home in Mostazal with friends, when he was brutally attacked by four men, who yelled: “We will massacre you queers.”

He was repeatedly kicked in the head, leaving him with the injuries that have now proved to be fatal.

Only one person was ever prosecuted for the attack, which LGBT group Movilh allege is a ‘cover up’.

Government spokesman Álvaro Elizalde said: “This latest death just goes to show how much more we have to advance as a society

“We hope that justice will be served, the facts of the case are cleared, and the corresponding punishment is determined.”

Chile’s president signed a hate crime bill into law in 2012, following a separate attack on a gay Chilean teenager.

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